250 Athens Blvd
Tonawanda, NY 14223
(Oakvale Blvd side of Building)
Enter through Door 2, 2nd floor

The mission of the Ken-Ton Closet is to directly improve the quality of life for needy children living in the Village of Kenmore/Town of Tonawanda by providing them with items of daily living such as clothing, school supplies, toiletries, and other materials at no cost.
The Closet began operation in January 2013 (was founded by Jill O'Malley) as an offshoot of the activities of the Ken-Ton Parent Alliance (KTPA, which was co-founded with her husband Matt). For the first 6 years of operation, the Closet occupied 3 rooms in the Sheridan Parkside Building in the Town of Tonawanda and in July 2019 we moved to our current site at the former Jefferson School (250 Athens Blvd). From this location, children can come in every other month to receive toiletries, 3 - 4 outfits, shoes, new socks/underwear and specialty items we may have on hand including a winter coat, holiday clothing, and Halloween costumes.
In 2016, the Ken-Ton Closet served 708 children throughout all of our programs (an increase of 103 children or 17% from 2015). Last year at the Closet, 157 different families received clothing with an average family size of 2.9 children. The Closet also increased the number of children served through our school supply program (up to 250 children in 2016 from 174 in 2015); we expect to help over 300 students in 2019.
Although we primarily provide support to those families that are experiencing economic hardship, we do distribute needed items to families experiencing difficulties such as fire losses or emergency foster placement. The Closet is a grassroots, 100% volunteer-run program. For more information about our impact, check out our 2016 annual report.