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Below is the information for this year's school supply program. You can download a pdf of this information (including items by grade level) here. Please read this information carefully as it will answer many questions you may have. This program is supported by United Way Donor Designation program and community donations. The link to register for school supplies can be found here on August 1st:


What is the School Supply Program?


The school supply program provides basic school supplies at no cost to children living in the Village of Kenmore/Town of Tonawanda (Ken-Ton) and attending a school within Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District (please see list of eligible schools below). Children living in the district but placed in other schools by the district for special needs also qualify. Preference is given to children that qualify for free/reduced price lunch. 


How does the School Supply Program work?

In order to get materials, you must fill out the online order form which will be available by August 1st. The link will be available on our Facebook page (KenTonCloset) and our website (  This year we will be supplying specific items for grades preK-1 (Early Elementary), 2-4 (Late Elementary), 5-7 (Middle School) and 8 – 12 (High School); please see  list below for details. Children in elementary and middle school will also receive a “homework bag” of supplies that can be kept at home for students to complete work there. Items can be requested by parents/guardians, students, district faculty/staff or other qualifying community organization. In emergency circumstances, paper applications may be used but please note that this may delay your order.


Where are school supplies brought?

Supplies will be dropped off directly to the child’s school or the Family Support Center with the child’s name on it. We will not deliver to other locations. School supplies will be delivered the week before classes start. 


When can I sign up?

You can begin requesting items August 1st through the link on the website/Facebook page. This link will remain active until 300 orders have been received. Please note we expect orders to fill quickly! We will deliver items directly to the schools before the first day of school. If requests are made after the first day of school, we will try our hardest to supply items within 48-72 hours of the request if items are still available. Orders are first-come, first-served basis. 


NOTE: Once your order is received we will send you an email/text/phone call within 5 - 10 business days to let you know your request is being processed. We ask that you DO NOT contact the schools to inquire about your order. 


Which schools are eligible?


-Head Start at Sheridan Parkside (Ken-Ton residents only)            -Holmes Elementary
-Pre-K in Ken-Ton schools (Hamilton and Holmes Elementary)       -Lindbergh Elementary        
-Edison Elementary                                                                  -Big Picture Program        
-Franklin Elementary/Middle                                                      -Kenmore East High School
-Hoover Elementary/Middle                                                       -Kenmore West High


What if my child has a special education placement?

If your child has a special education placement by Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District, he/she may still qualify for supplies. On the registration form, choose the school that your child would normally attend and in the comment section at the end, let us know your child has special needs and has been placed in another school. We will contact you to set up your supply drop off. It is very important your contact information is correct so that we can confirm details.


Items by grade level






Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 9.09.41 AM.png
2018 School Supplies by Grade

© 2024 Ken-Ton Closet, Inc. 




Location: 250 Athens Blvd, Tonawanda 14223

Mailing: PO Box 343, Buffalo NY 14223

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